I've been thinking a lot about "Safe Places."
A Safe Place is where you can trust and be trusted. A Safe Place is where you are valued and respected as an individual and for your thoughts and feelings. In a Safe Place you are willing to take risks because you know you are supported. In a Safe Place you feel comfortable asking questions. A Safe Place is nurturing, encouraging you to explore and grow and letting you know that you are loved just as the person you are right now. In a Safe Place diversity of interests and life pursuits is respected and not judged.
Safe places can be geographical or a relationship. I have relationships and friendships which are safe places and I have a few which are not. In a safe relationship I feel free to be transparent in all aspects of my thoughts and life knowing that I will be valued in my thoughts and choices even is the other person sees an aspect of life very differently.
Children must have safe places to thrive cognitively, emotionally, socially, and even physically.
Today I read with 25 5th graders. One I have known since I started volunteering in the school 6 years ago. He was a bright, very kind Kindergartner. I know he lives in a rough home as I have observed family interactions. I was so sad when I listened to him read and stumbled to pronounce words--even simple words and when he was unable to give me details about the passage he had just read. Again I thought about safe places and wondered where he would be cognitively if he was growing up in a nurturing environment.
Here are a few questions on my mind....
How is a Safe Place created?
What do you do if school is not a safe place for your child?
Is this why some parent's choose to homeschool? When you can't ensure an emotionally or even physically safe place.
When a child cannot be in a safe place, we can help them find or develop a safe place in their own heart and mind. How do we do this?
What tools do children have to tell us if they do not feel safe someplace? Then how do you prepare them if they have to go back?
I think I'll take my time answering these questions for myself and my children....
What are your thoughts on creating Safe Places for children?
Labels: Emotional Development