Here's a list of my top five parenting or child development no particular order.
1. Raising Your Spirited Child by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka- Whether or not you feel you have a "spirit" child (but in my experience almost every family has at least one...I just happen to have 4!) this book has sound child development practices. Seriously, if I had to just give one suggested read, this would be it.
2. Siblings Without Rilvary by Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish- Read this in grad school & then had teh chance to attend a conference seminar given by Adele Faber. Practical, brilliant parenting advice! I think I need to read it again for my boys.....
3. The Five Love Languages of Children by Chapman & Campbell- Took good principles from his The Five Love Languages for adults. You can not apply the principles in the same way to children. Excellent read on finding you and your child's ways of giving and receiving love.
4. Three Steps to a Strong Family by Linda & Richard Eyre- Took a lot of guidance from the Eyres on family traditions & how to teach children about economic responsibility.
5. Touchpoints by T. Berry Brazelton- Basic Children Devlopement reference guide.
The above list are the must reads for parents. The following books are on the as it applies list.
6. Solve Your Child's Sleep Problems by Richard Ferber- Especially helpful with babies and toddlers.
7. Teaching Children Joy by Linda & Richard Eyre- Enjoy their Joy School Program with my youngest.
8. Quirky Kids by Perri Klass & Eileen Costello- When to worry and when not to.
9. The Perfect Parent (as taught in the scriptures) by Gary Taylor- Excellent! Don't let the title scare you!
10. Is This Your Child? by Doris Rapp- Excellent introduction to allergies in children & adults.
I do have another list....this one is specific to the special needs of my children. I'll share this list on another day.
Do you have a favorite child development or parenting book recommendation? Do share!
I like your list. One of my long time favs is Positive Parenting by Glen Lathem. It give great perspective.